theRidge.png Great water quality is just one of the benefits of living on the ridge. If you're new to Paradise, visit the WelcometoTheRidge website to learn about all the other great things happening in our community.



Water Emergency? Call 24/7 (530) 877-4971

Vendor Resource Page

Requests For Proposals

The Paradise Irrigation District (PID) purchases a wide variety of merchandise and services. The purpose of this vendor resource page is to acquaint you with PID’s purchasing policies and procedures and explain how you can do business with PID. Our goal is to help build vendor partnerships with Paradise Irrigation District. If this description does not answer all your questions, please give us a call.

  pdf Ch. 12 - Procurement Policy (150 KB)

General Purchasing

Procurement of supplies, materials, services and equipment are approved by department managers and the warehouse person up to $2,500. PID staff may make recommendations to the district manager for procurement above $2,500. subordinate personnel may make necessary purchases of less than $500 during the completion of their duties, to be authorized by the departmental manager.

The district manager approves purchases up to $7,500, and up to $25,000 for purchases necessary in the operation and maintenance of the water treatment and distribution systems.

The district manager may make purchases in excess of $7,500 in the case of an emergency that poses a threat to the public health, welfare and safety and also for equipment or facility repairs or materials that require immediate action to continue the daily operation of district business The district manager shall report emergency purchases at the next scheduled Board meeting.

The Board of Directors shall award purchases in excess of the district’s manager’s limits (i.e. $7,500, $25,000 or emergency) based on written bids, prices, proposals or agreements.

No other person may commit the funds for the acquisition of goods or services. Payments may not be made for goods or services delivered without an authorized purchase order number or charged to a district procurement card.

Professional Consultants

PID often uses consultants to provide expertise in special areas for professional services. Professional consultants may be required in various specialized fields where they possess needed qualifications, exercise sound professional judgment, and accept professional responsibility for their work.

Sales Visits/Hours

Office hours for sales calls are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday. To save time and to ensure you receive adequate attention, please call in advance to make an appointment. Contact our customer service department at 530-877-4971 and request the buyer’s name and phone number for the product or service you provide.

Methods of Procurement

PURCHASE ORDER or ANNUAL PURCHASE ORDER: A line of credit established with a variety of vendors to allow PID personnel to obtain unanticipated supplies or services directly from vendors on an as needed basis for a specific period, and not to exceed a specific dollar amount. Competitive price quotations may be solicited. The award may be based on criteria such as such as location of vendor to the requesting department and completeness of inventory.

COMPETITIVE BIDDING or PROPOSAL PROCESS: Is utilized when the cost of supplies, materials or equipment required on a single purchase that exceeds $5,000 (unless waived by the district manager). This requires receiving written bids, and awarding the purchase to the lowest responsive bidder meeting the specifications. Awards may not always be to the lowest bidder, as the bid price shall not be the sole determining factor when awarding contracts. At a minimum, PID shall give consideration to a bidder’s ability to provide the required service, reference checks, history of prior or similar service, and local community impact.

Prior to a board meeting at which an award is to be considered, staff shall provide to the PID Board a summarized analysis of bids received as stipulated in the pdf Procurement Policy Chapter 12 (150 KB) ; Part 2; Section 12.2.2; Subsection I., Items 1 through 8.

INFORMAL BIDDING: Quotations totaling $1,000 to $5,000 for a single purchase are solicited from at least three (3) vendors, when practical. These quotes shall be recorded and can be obtained either by phone, fax or mail. Award is made to the lowest responsive vendor meeting the specifications.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP): Used primarily for services and highly technical commodities, studies or services. An RFP differs from a formal bid in that proposals may be solicited in a one or two step process and the award can be to the other than lowest price vendor. The following criteria are considered when evaluating which proposal is the most advantageous to PID.
• Cost to PID
• Quality of the proposed service
• Capabilities and expertise of the vendor
• Ability of the vendor to perform
• Past service/record/references
• Proposal that best meets all the requirements of PID.

PETTY CASH: District personnel are authorized to make purchases up to $50 in cash.

PURCHASES WITHOUT COMPETITION: The district manager may make purchases without the competitive bidding of proposals as stipulated in the procurement policy pdf Chapter 12 (150 KB) ; Part 2; Section 12.2.7; Subsections A. through G.


All orders must be delivered to the address specified on the purchase order. Vendors should not deliver goods to an alternate address unless authorized by the PID buyer.

Changes in Orders

The purchase order is PID’s contract with you. The District must approve any changes to the contract in writing.

Billing and Payment

The District requires invoices to be submitted to the accounting technician. The purchase order number MUST appear on all invoices, shipping tags, and all correspondence relevant to the order.

Payment is made only upon delivery and acceptance of all material, equipment or services as specified on the purchase order. Partial payments may be made on goods received against a purchase order. PID will make every attempt to process payment within 30 days.

IMPORTANT: Read the purchase order to obtain correct address to submit invoices. Do not assume the address is the same as a previous purchase order.


PID pays California state sales tax when applicable. Purchase orders may not show tax on the copy mailed to the vendor.


Vendors who perform a service for PID will be required to submit proof of insurance coverage as specified by PID. Questions on the District’s requirements can be answered by calling 530-877-4971

Bid and Performance

Bonds may be required when it is necessary to protect the interest of PID. Most contracts issued by PID do not require bonding.

Recycled Products

PID prefers to use products with recycled content and/or products that are recyclable. If you can provide PID with such products, please contact our offices.

Gifts and Gratuities

PID maintains a strict policy-prohibiting acceptance by its employees of gifts and/or gratuities from any vendor or potential vendor greater than $50 in a given year.


Registration Requirements

The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) requires contractors to be registered as a ‘public works contractor’. Some exclusions apply. Please visit the DIR website to learn more about the annual registration and for instructions on how to register.

To be eligible for consideration of a bid, a contractor is required to submit with their bid PID's form titled PWC-100 Contractor DIR Registration Verification Form

Prevailing Wage

Contracts for maintenance and/or construction of district facilities require vendors to pay prevailing wages. Learn more on the Labor Commissioner’s Office Website:

Small and Local Businesses

PID is committed to doing business with Paradise small and local businesses whenever possible.

 Click to read PID's procurement policy: Chapter 12 PID Policies and Procedures Manual.

Staff Contacts

Francisco Maciel (Warehouseperson)

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We are always looking for ways we can improve our services. If you need additional help please contact customer service.

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Popular water quality topics


PFAS Not Detected

Fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (What is it?)

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires that once every five years the EPA issue a list of unregulated contaminants to be monitored for by public water systems. The fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 5) came out in 2021. The emphasis for this round of sampling was determined to be 29 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Lithium. UCMR 5 requires sample collection for the 30 chemical contaminants over a period of four consecutive quarters for surface water and twice in 6 months for groundwater between 2023 and 2025 using analytical methods developed by EPA. This action provides EPA and other interested parties with scientifically valid data on the national occurrence of these contaminants in drinking water.

The sites required to be sampled are any entry point into the water system. For Paradise Irrigation this means the Treatment Plant and the D Tank Well. The results PID has received thus far have indicated that the results of the samples are below the minimum reporting level (non-detectable). PID began sampling in February 2023 and will complete the last round of samples for this UCMR in November of this year.

Information regarding the sampling and all substances sampled will be included in the Annual Consumer Confidence Report next year. If at any point during the sampling process, any detectable levels are reported, it will be included in PID’s Consumer Confidence Report as well.

Does your water smell or taste a bit "off" sometimes?

As you turn on the tap in the late fall and early winter months you might notice a bit of a musty odor or an earthy “flavor” to your usually sparkling glass of PID water.

While water quality tests tell us our water is safe to drink and meets all EPA standards, we’re not any happier than you are with water that doesn’t meet our usual high flavor standards.

Two compounds released from soil and algae, methylisoborneol (MIB) and Geosmin, can be detected by humans at levels of less than 10 parts per trillion (one part per trillion would compare to one inch in 16 million miles).

MIB is most commonly found in the bottom layers of lakes; Geosmin is the substance that gives soil its “dirt” smell. Together, these two lend a temporary and undesireable “bouquet” to our PID water when levels are high in the water we use from Magalia Reservoir. Paradise Lake, because it’s deeper, hasn’t so many issues because the water is colder and therefore “fresher” in odor and taste.

When the seasonal rains begin in late fall, the District goes to work at refilling our reservoirs. It becomes a complex balancing act of slowing the discharge from Paradise Lake (so it can refill for the next year) and using a blend of water from the lake as well as Magalia Reservoir to supply the treatment plant—and our users.

When we have an early rainstorm, the runoff water entering the magalia bypass pipeline overwhelms the amount of water and changes its chemistry. State health standards force us to use water from the magalia reservoir (which remains treatable) but there are taste and odor issues even though the water is safe to drink and use.


PID does not add fluoride to the water.


PID uses chlorine during its treatment process to kill disease-causing organisms. The water leaving the treatment facility has a small amount of chlorine residual sufficient to keep water safe and healthful while it travels the distribution system until it reaches your home. 

While the state allows higher levels of chlorine,  the district typically distributes water with a low chlorine residual ranging from 0.2 - 0.8 ppm.

A simple water pitcher with a built-in filter can improve the flavor of the water for those individuals sensitive to the taste of the treated water.

Water testing frequency

Each day, PID tests your water to make sure it is clean, safe and healthful before it leaves the treatment plant to be delivered to your home. Employees also perform weekly tests within the distribution system to ensure the water remains so during delivery. The consumer confidence reportwe publish each year provides more information on these tests results and additional water testing we routinely perform.

How did PID recovery its water system after the 2018 Camp Fire?

PID issued a water advisory in December of 2018 following the destructive Camp Fire. Since then, the District has done an extensive amount of research in order to understand this first-of-its-kind water system depressurization and contamination. The District has worked with federal and state agencies, mutual aid partners -and with the aid of scientists and engineers- have a recovery plan which includes a rigorous process for lifting its water advisory on a customer-by-customer basis. Before a customer receives a letter certifying the water at their service lateral is potable, the following steps were completed:

1 - Mainline Approval District staff and engineers perform water sampling on the large mainlines and network of mainlines that deliver water from the treatment plant to the customer’s property. The water in these mainlines is tested to ensure it meets all California guidelines for drinking water. We have tested over half of the 185 miles of mains. Currently nearly all (97%) of the mainlines which have been tested meet these guidelines and have been cleared.

2 - Service Lateral Approval The service lateral is the small-diameter pipe that delivers the water from the mainline to your property. It’s these small pipes that have the highest likelihood for contamination. The District has two methods for approving service laterals for delivery of potable water.

STANDING HOMES: Our testing shows that the service laterals that service standing homes have a lower likelihood of being contaminated. In many cases, PID can approve the service lateral after we’ve taken tests to confirm the service lateral is free of contamination. PID needs to temporarily interrupt water service to the property for a minimum of 72 hours to gather the water sample needed to test your service lateral. Please contact PID to request testing at your service lateral. In the case your service lateral is contaminated, PID may schedule a service-lateral replacement.

BURNED LOTS: More than half of the tested service laterals at burned lots have some level of benzene detection. PID feels the most efficient way to ensure delivery of potable water to burned lots is to replace the service lateral. Currently, our staff is working closely with the Town of Paradise building department to coordinate the replacement of these service laterals on properties where building permits have been issued. Our goal is to approve the service lateral at the property before the building process is finalized.

3 - Expert Panel Approval Every PID water service connection with mainline and service lateral approval is then reviewed by our expert panel. Panel members consist of engineers and District staff familiar with the history and particulars of the water system, its flow, and some of the intricacies that might vary from service-lateral to service-lateral.

Final Steps - Water Quality Assurance Monitoring We continue to monitor our system to ensure our high-drinking water standards.

Consumer Confidence Report

For annual sampling results and other water-quality articles visit

Here are the steps PID is taking to restore potable water service

We can help

Contact us 24/7 at 877-4971 if you suspect an unsafe water quality issue is occuring in your home. Contact us during business hours if you have any other questions or would like to schedule a tour of our treatment facility.

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