theRidge.png Great water quality is just one of the benefits of living on the ridge. If you're new to Paradise, visit the WelcometoTheRidge website to learn about all the other great things happening in our community.



PID is committed to transparency, accountability and integrity



Who we serve. Paradise Irrigation District (PID) is located in the Town of Paradise, a Northern California foothill community with a population of approximately 26,000. PID delivers water to approximately 10,500 municipal and residential/commercial customers. Check out the area we serve: 
pdf District Boundaries Map (1.54 MB)

Authority. PID is an irrigation district formed and existing pursuant to the California Irrigation District Law, Division 11 of the California Water Code, sections 20500 to 29978.

Mission. PID is dedicated to the business of producing and delivering a safe, dependable supply of quality water in an efficient, cost effective manner with service that meets or exceeds the expectation of our customers.

Suggestions and complaints. PID is governed by its Board of Directors, all issues that cannot be resolved by PID staff may be considered by the full board. 
Submit a suggestion or complaint here.

Contact us. 

Compliance Training

PID employees and Board of Directors are bound by policies and requirements to ensure transparency and ethical behavior. The policies comply with the specific requirements of the Fair Political Practices Act, the Ralph M. Brown Act, Public Records Act and statutory requirements for ethics and sexual harassment prevention training, among others.

Ethics Training Certificates: 
pdf District Manager - Tom Lando (500 KB)  
pdf Assistant District Manager - Mickey Rich (499 KB)  
pdf District Secretary - Georgeanna Borrayo (509 KB)  
pdf Board Division 1 Director - Chris Rehmann (357 KB)  
pdf Board Division 2 Director - Elliott Prest (549 KB)  
pdf Board Division 3 Director - Shelby Boston (455 KB)  
pdf Board Division 4 Director - Patricia Guillory (214 KB)
pdf Board Division 5 Director - Bob Matthews (511 KB)

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Certificates: 
pdf District Manager - Tom Lando (284 KB)
pdf Assistant District Manager - Mickey Rich (283 KB)  
pdf Finance and Accounting Manager - Brett Goodlin (86 KB)  
pdf District Secretary - Georgeanna Borrayo (82 KB)  
pdf Board Division 1 Director - Chris Rehmann (147 KB)  
pdf Board Division 2 Director - Elliott Prest (66 KB)  
pdf Board Division 3 Director - Shelby Boston (470 KB)
pdf (82 KB) pdf Board Division 4 Director - Patricia Guillory (143 KB)
pdf Board Division 5 Director - Bob Matthews (82 KB)

Financial Accountability

Every year, PID submits a financial report to the California State Controller. The data PID provides to the state allows the public to create customized reports about the district's finances and even compare those figures with other agencies. Create your financial view of the district  here:

Learn how PID is planning for the future. 

  Compensation & Benefits

Board Compensation is detailed in pdf Chapter 2.22 of the Policies & Procedures Manual (169 KB)

Fees: Directors DO NOT receive an annual salary.  Directors shall receive compensation not to exceed $100 per day. Compensation taken may be less than $100; down to a minimum amount of one cent for either:

  • Up to $100 per day for attending a regular or special Board meeting, or acting under its orders; and
  • Up to $100 per day for attending a board-approved standing committee meeting, an established Ad Hoc committee, or an outside board-approved meeting requiring a Board member in attendance, when there is no regular or special Board meeting that day.
  • Regardless of either per-day event, the per-day amount(s) shall not exceed a total of six (6) meeting days in any calendar month. No fees are to be paid for seminars or conferences, but the out-of-pocket costs associated with attending those meetings, on a Board pre-approval basis, can be reimbursed through the use of a District claim form.

Use the following links to learn more about PID's compensation to employees and the Board.

Access to Public Records

PID has fair governance policies that ensure access to public records.  If you're looking for information not detailed on this page or in our document library, please submit a request for public information.

  How to serve on the Board

Elections for directors of the District are staggered every two years. Important deadlines are available at

  pdf Division Map (1.54 MB)


The successful candidates will serve a four-year term of office effective at noon on the first Friday of December following the election. The candidate must meet the following qualifications: “Candidate shall be a voter in the district and a resident of the division that he or she represents at the time of his or her nomination or appointment and through his or her entire term.” (“Voter” means a registered voter in the district). A PID pdf division boundaries map (1.54 MB) is provided for reference

Current Leadership

Your Board - Visit the Board information page to learn more about your Directors.

  • Division 1 - Director Chris Rehmann
  • Division 2 - Director Elliott Prest 
  • Division 3 - Director Shelby Boston (Vice President)
  • Division 4 - Director Patricia Guillory 
  • Division 5 - Director Bob Matthews (President)

Your District Manager: Tom Lando

Tom Lando has served in many director positions in Butte County since 1980 including City Manager for The City of Chico for 14 years and Interim City Manager for the City of Oroville since 2018. He has a Doctorate and Master’s Degree in Public Administration, and a Master’s Degree in City Planning. “The District’s in great shape and well run,” notes Lando, “I'm excited to help bridge the gap.”

  Public Meetings

We've made it easy to get involved and watch your Board and committees at work. From our meeting page, you can find meeting times, read minutes and agendas, and watch or listen to meeting recordings. Our meetings are held following the Ralph M. Brown Act, so you're always welcome to attend. The Board prefers a flexible form of meeting, but at times may institute Rosenberg's Rules of Order. Use the 'Meetings' link below to plan your attendance at one of our next public meetings.

  Other ways to stay connected

Monthly Newsletter

 PID customers can look forward to monthly watering tips and District news included each month with their water bill. 
These can be viewed on our Newsletters page


In Person

  • Annual Workshops
  • Johnny Appleseed Days

Request PID to speak at your event

Submit your request here.

  Enterprise Systems Catalog

The California Public Records Act (CPRA) requires local agencies such as PID to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems and post it on its website.  pdf Catalog of Enterprise Systems (SB 272) (409 KB)

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We are always looking for ways we can improve our services. If you need additional help please contact customer service.

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