theRidge.png Great water quality is just one of the benefits of living on the ridge. If you're new to Paradise, visit the WelcometoTheRidge website to learn about all the other great things happening in our community.



Water Report

As of 6/22/2024 at 6:30 a.m.


The following water storage information is prepared and updated by PID and is subject to revision. PID does not guarantee the accuracy of this information nor its fitness for a particular use.


PID Reservoir Levels

 Reservoir % Full Maximum
(acre feet)
(acre feet)
 Paradise Lake 98%  11,497 11255 2568 2567.0
 Magalia Reservoir
98%/31%*  796/2500* 780 2200/2225.8* 2199.7

One acre foot = 325,851 gallons (The average Paradise household uses 125,664 gallons per year)

 *Dept. of Safety of Dams put a limit of 2200' elevation storage on Mag. Res. due to seismic concerns. During extreme weather events, the level can exceed this.


Rainfall  (inches)

 Location of Rain Gauge Total Rain
this Month
Total Rain
this Season
 Paradise Lake 0.00" 71.44" 67.36"
 Magalia Reservoir
0.00"  68.41" 63.53"
 Birch Street - Paradise Fire Station 81 Not Available  58.12" Not Available

Seasonal rainfall is recorded from October 1 through September 30 of each year.

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