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Recovery Projects

Paradise Irrigation District has identified needed projects to occur based on the damage from the 2018 Camp Fire.

Year PID Expenditures FEMA / CalOES Reimbursements
2018/2019 $2,170,796 $1,217,202
 2019/2020  $6,414,054  $159,961
 2020/2021  $2,222,905  $2,390,485
 TOTAL  $10,807,776  $3,767,848


Service Lateral Replacement Project (Project #94496)

Project Description:

    • Project Description:The project is designed to replace 4,070 service laterals within a 7-year timeframe to begin during FY2021/22. This project is designed to replace 4,070 damaged service laterals within the District’s distribution system. The number of damaged service laterals is estimated based on initial testing performed on a random sample of service laterals serving burned parcels throughout the District’s distribution system. This project includes the cost of testing the service lateral for contamination, service lateral replacement, and project/construction management.
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status
 $45,854,811.00 PID Capital Projects Budget PID Capital Projects Budget FEMA 428 Fixed Cost Program 
PID Local Share

Pending Approval: FEMA 428 Fixed Cost Process

(Approved via FEMA standard public assistance)

Not started

Backflow Preventers (Included in Project #94496)

Project Description:

    • Project Description: This project is designed to install backflow preventers on all service lateral connections within the District’s distribution system. The backflow preventers are part of the hazard mitigation plan for service lateral connections to prevent future contamination of the distribution system in the event of a fire or other emergency. The estimated cost for FY2020/21 is based on an estimated 492 backflow devices to be installed during the year, which is estimated based on the number of interim backflow devices installed during FY2019/20. The long-term cost is based on the District’s FEMA 428 project request, which includes the materials and installation cost, as well as the cost for project/construction management. The number of backflow devices to be installed is tied directly to the number of service lines to be replaced in the Service Lateral Replacement Project.
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status

PID Customers requesting active service

PID Customers requesting active service

FEMA 428 Fixed Cost Program 
PID Local Share

FEMA 428 Fixed Cost Process originally denied inclusion of this project; PID appealed and is awaiting response.

(Approved via FEMA standard public assistance)


Service Lateral Replacement Project (Project #130189)

Project Description:

    • This project is designed to replace approximately 492 service laterals expected to be completed outside of the FEMA 428 Fixed Cost Project. These service laterals are expected to be completed by Sutton Enterprises through the construction contract with PID. The cost of the project reflects the remainder of the Sutton Enterprises contract outstanding as of the beginning of FY2020/21. The full extent of these costs is expected to be incurred during FY2020/21.
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status
 $3,306,882 PID Capital Projects Budget PID Capital Projects Budget FEMA/CalOES Standard Public Assistance, 
PID Local Share


The final project cost and timeframe is pending a determination by FEMA regarding the District’s 428 Appeal. Refer to project #94496 above.


Water Meters, Housing Boxes, and AMI System (Project #94494)

Project Description:

  • This project is designed to replace 4,562 damaged meters within the District’s distribution system. The number of meters to be replaced is tied directly to the number of service lines to be replaced in the Service Lateral Replacement Project. The project includes the cost of hazard mitigation measures to prevent against future fire related damages, including changing the meters from plastic to brass and changing the housing boxes from plastic to concrete. The project also includes the cost of replacing the Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI), testing of meters, and project/construction management. As of the beginning of FY2020/21, the project is planned to begin at the beginning of 2021. The goal is to install meters for all potable services by the end of FY2020/21, which is currently estimated at 2,000 meters. The remainder of the meters are expected to be installed over a 6-year time frame to support the rebuild process. The District is also actively working with insurance to secure funding for additional meter replacements, however, insurance claims have not been finalized at this time. 
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status

 $5,792,542 (Insurance)

mitigation cost




FEMA 428 Fixed Cost Program 

PID Local Share

Pending Approval: FEMA 428 Fixed Cost Process

(Approved via FEMA standard public assistance)


Main Line Replacement (Project #130152)

Estimated Cost:

Project Description: This project is designed to replace and repair the water distribution main pipelines and related appurtenances that were damaged and/or contaminated as a result of the 2018 Camp Fire. This includes replacement and/or repairs of 79,466 LF of water main pipe based on initial sampling results and damage assessments performed to date. The project also includes repair of additional leaks resulting from the 2018 Camp Fire, requiring replacement of an estimated 25,570 joint gaskets. The project also includes costs relating to project/construction management. Mainline repair is expected to continue beginning FY2020/21 and is expected to be completed over a 7-year time frame. The hazard mitigation portion of this project includes installation of backflow preventers on all remaining service laterals not covered under project 94496, which includes 5,897 backflow preventer devices, to prevent future contamination of the distribution system in the event of a fire or other emergency. 

Status Notes: 

Main Line Replacement and Backflow Preventer Hazard Mitigation: These portions of the project have been obligated through the Standard Public Assistance process; however, this project has been requested to be funded through the FEMA 428 Process. See 428 Status below. 

Estimated Leak Repair: This portion of the project had originally been approved through all levels of review, including legislative review, and was pending obligation. A determination memo was then issued in November 2020 to remove this portion of the project. PID is currently in the process of developing an appeal for reversal of this determination memo.

 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status
  • Main Line Replacement:

  • Estimated Leak Repair:

  • Backflow Preventer Hazard Mitigation:



FEMA 428 Fixed Cost Program 

PID Local Share

Pending Approval: FEMA 428 Fixed Cost Process

(Approved via FEMA standard public assistance)


Reservoir B Replacement (Project #76334)

Project Description:

  • Project Description: Prior to the 2018 Camp Fire, the District’s distribution system contained a 3.0 million gallon earthen, polymer lined/covered reservoir known as B Reservoir. This Reservoir was severely burned during the 2018 Camp Fire, which rendered the reservoir unusable. This project is designed to utilize hazard mitigation funding through the FEMA Public Assistance process to replace the earthen polymer reservoir with two steel tanks with a capacity of 1.5 million gallons each. The replacement of the earthen polymer reservoir with two steel tanks is intended to add resiliency against fire damage, provide redundancy in the potential event of future damage, and allows for more efficient maintenance and operation.
    The project was awarded to Myers and Sons Construction, LLC and work began in September 2022. The project will be completed within 270 working days from the start date, marking September 23, 2023 as the day of completion. 
 Cost  Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source

CA State Water Board Review Status

Project Status







Emergency Response Efforts 11/12/18 - 11/12/2019 (Project #72826)

Project Description:

  • This project included initial emergency response efforts including PID internal crew response overtime and equipment usage, materials used in initial emergency response / emergency repairs, rental equipment, and mutual aid assistance. This projected is expected to be completed at this point in time. 
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status




FEMA/CalOES Standard Public assistance 

PID Local Share


All funds have been received


Contaminant Testing 11/12/18 - 11/12/2019 (Project #84049)

Project Description:

  • This project included PID internal crews overtime and equipment usage during sampling efforts, and Water Works Engineers time and materials incurred relating to the Emergency Response Plan development, implementation, and ongoing program management.
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status




FEMA/CalOES Standard Public assistance 

PID Local Share


All funds have been received


Arborist (Project #84011)

Project Description:

  • This project is designed to include the costs of the arborist contracted by the District to evaluate and report on the fire damage to trees on District property following the 2018 Camp Fire.
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status




FEMA/CalOES Standard Public assistance 

PID Local Share


All funds have been received


Henson Road Culvert (Project #94415)

Project Description:

  • Replace the damaged culvert at Henson Road. The project includes hazard mitigation efforts to replace the previously plastic culvert with metal for greater resiliency to future fire related events.
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status




FEMA/CalOES Standard Public assistance 

PID Local Share



Fencing (Project #94422)

Project Description:

  • This project is designed to replace District fencing at various locations that was damaged during the 2018 Camp Fire.
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status




FEMA/CalOES Standard Public assistance


PID Local Share

FEMA funds obligated ($93,750.00)


Paradise & Magalia Dam Burn Damage(Project #94420)

Project Description:

  • This project includes any potential burn damage to the Magalia Dam, including the conveyance pipe from the Magalia Dam to the Water Treatment Plant. The cost of this project is based on initial inspections performed.
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status




FEMA/CalOES Standard Public assistance 

PID Local Share


All funds have been received


Management Cost (Project #84775)

Project Description:

  • This project is designed to cover all management costs incurred relating to FEMA/CalOES claims. The District has opportunity to submit versions on this claim once per quarter. These versions will update the total amount of management costs available for reimbursement based on any additional FEMA projects being obligated during that quarter. The amount of management costs currently obligated is $68,779. Based on the current dollar value of project obligated to date (~$13.5M), the next quarterly version of this project will allow a total of ~$675,000 in management costs to be submitted for reimbursement. The primary costs that will be submitted for reimbursements include the APTIM Public Assistance consulting costs.  
 Cost Estimate Funding:  2019/2020 Funding: 2020/2021 Funding Source FEMA Review Status Project Status

 5% of Obligated FEMA Projects



FEMA/CalOES Standard Public assistance 

PID Local Share

Partially Obligated


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