theRidge.png Great water quality is just one of the benefits of living on the ridge. If you're new to Paradise, visit the WelcometoTheRidge website to learn about all the other great things happening in our community.



Water Emergency? Call 24/7 (530) 877-4971


Be part of a service-oriented workforce

Employment with PID is more than just a job. A career with us offers the opportunity to be part of an organization that is integral to Paradise's water supply and delivery system. As a PID employee, you’ll be part of the community-focused team, ensuring reliable and safe water supply to the community of Paradise (California). 


3 Ways to submit an employment application

  1. Application for Employment (FILLABLE) 
    - Once complete, you may email your application to Tiffany Bowen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Sarah Fenton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  2. Application for Employment (PRINTABLE) 
    - Once complete, you may mail or bring in your application to our Main Office at 6332 Clark Road, Paradise, CA 95969 

  3. Apply Online

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District policies to ensure fair governance


Public Records Act Compliance

Find in:  pdf Policy & Procedures Manual / Chapter 6 (195 KB)  - Section 6.1

These rules and regulations have been adopted by the Board under the authority of the Water Code of the State of California, are part of the law governing the District, and may be amended as required for the operation of the District. All records of the District are open to the public in accordance with the Public Records Act during the hours when the District offices are open. Information concerning the affairs of the District will be furnished in accordance with statutory procedures and requirements. Reproduction of any documents shall be at a copy fee set by the Board from time to time and described in Appendix A.1.

Employee & Board Member Reimbursements

Find in:  pdf Policy & Procedures Manual / Ch. 11 - Reimbursement and Business Travel Policy (93 KB)

The purpose of this policy is to establish rules to reimburse District officials and employees for reasonable and prudent costs associated with travel and business meals while serving a District purpose or for training, which will be of benefit to the District.

Compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act

Find in:  pdf Policy & Procedures Manual / Chapter 4 (120 KB)  - Section 4.1

Compliance with the Open Meeting Law (Brown Act) or other statutory requirements regaling public meetings agendas and minutes is complex and cannot be prescribed separate from the statutory requirements. The reader of these Rules and Regulations is encouraged to use these provisions as general guidelines and to inquire about the numerous complexities provided by the Legislature of the State of California in regard to open meetings and public participation in those meetings.

Conflict of Interest

Find in:  pdf Policy & Procedures Manual / Chapter 2 (169 KB)  - Section 2.24

STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Statutes impose limits on a Director’s ability to contract with the District he or she serves on as a Director. (See Government Code section 1090 et seq.) Moreover, the Political Reform Act requires, and establishes the procedure by which Directors, officers, and employees are required to disclose actual or potential conflicts of interest between their public duties and their personal financial interests.

Code of Ethics

Find in:  pdf Policy & Procedures Manual / Chapter 2 (169 KB)  - Section 2.1.C

The Board of Directors is committed to providing excellence in leadership that result in the provision of the highest quality of services to its constituents. The Board intends to fully comply with the provisions of the State’s open meeting law for public agencies (The Ralph M. Brown Act), adhere to federal and state government codes, comply with the Fair Political Practices Commission guidelines, and uphold the Constitutions of the United States and the State of California. In order to assist Directors to fulfill their obligations, and keeping in mind that new or revised statutes may add further regulations, the following rules shall be observed:


1. The dignity, style, and opinions of each Director shall be respected.

2. Responsiveness and attentive listening in communication is encouraged.

3. The primary responsibility of the Board is the formulation and evaluation of policy. Routine matters concerning the operational aspects of the District are to be delegated to the professional staff members of the District.

4. Directors should commit themselves to emphasizing the positive and avoiding when possible, negative forms of interaction.

5. Directors should commit themselves to focusing on issues and not
personalities. The presentation of the opinions of others should be encouraged.

6. Differing viewpoints are healthy in the decision-making process. Individuals have the right to disagree with ideas and opinions, but without being disagreeable. Once the Board takes action, Directors should commit to supporting said action and not to creating barriers to the implementation of said action.

7. Directors should practice the following procedures:

  1. In seeking clarification on informational items, Directors may directly approach professional staff members to obtain information needed to supplement, upgrade, or enhance their knowledge to improve legislative decision-making.
  2. In handling complaints from residents and property owners of the District, said complaints should be referred directly to the Manager.
  3. In handling items related to safety, concerns for safety or hazards should be reported to the Manager or to the District office. Emergency situations should be dealt with immediately by seeking appropriate assistance.
  4. In seeking clarification for policy-related concern, especially those involving personnel, legal action, annexation, property acquisition and development, finances, and programming, said concerns could be referred directly to the Manager.

8. When approached by District personnel concerning specific District policy, Directors should direct inquires to the appropriate professional staff supervisor. The chain of command should be followed.

9. The work of the District is a team effort. All individuals should work together in a collaborative process, assisting each other in conducting the affairs of the District.

10. When responding to constituent requests and concerns, Directors should be courteous, responding to individuals in a positive and timely manner and routing their questions through appropriate channels and to responsible management personnel.

11. Directors should develop a working relationship with the Manager wherein current issues, concerns, and District projects can be discussed comfortably and openly.

12. The Brown Act contemplates that Directors should function as a part of the whole Board. Issues should be brought to the attention of the Board as a whole, rather than to individual members selectively. When a Director is speaking for himself or in his capacity as an individual member of the Board, he should clearly identify that limited capacity.

13. Directors are responsible for monitoring the District’s progress in attaining its goals and objectives, while pursuing its mission.

14. A perceived violation of the Code of Ethics policy by a Board member should be referred to the President of the Board or the full Board for investigation, and consideration of any appropriate action warranted. A violation of this policy may be addressed by the use of such remedies as are available by law to the District, including, but not limited to:

  1. Adoption of a resolution expressing disapproval of the conduct of the Board member who has violated this policy.
  2. Injunctive relief
  3. Referral of the violation to the District Attorney and/or the Grand Jury.

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